Marta Topferova & Alejandro Soto Lacoste
Original & Latin American songs
@ Fincan
Altebracker Str. 26 (Ecke Nogatstraße)
12051 Berlin
Suggested donation 10€
The duo, consisting of the Czech singer Marta Topferova and the Chilean multi-instrumentalist Alejandro Soto Lacoste, have dedicated themselves to the rich tradition of Latin American music. Their repertoire is characterized by songs of both musicians in rhythms and styles such as the Chilean cueca, Argentinean chacarera and zamba, Venezuelan joropo and vals. The unique, velvety voice of Marta Topferova, accompanied by the Venezuelan cuatro, guitar and percussion, accompanied by the extraordinary musicianship of Alejandro Soto Lacoste on vocals, guitar and piano is a combination that transports the listener to an enchanting musical world.
Marta Topferova – vocals, cuatro, percussion
Alejandro Soto Lacoste – vocals, guitar, piano